The turning of the wheels…

After the attack in front of the inn Zelrin began to get very agitated, even to the point of fury. Wheels turning in the psychotic mind of the twisted, insane drow. “Such insolence will be dealt with…by extreme force…with my blade….to her neck…” The drow then swore on the Sinore name he would have the vengeance he sought one day.

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A message to the humans and the rise of a new queen

As Zestra and Zelrin stand in the middle of narrow haven she knew fear needed to strike into the hearts of the rivvil. They found a lone scavenger named Denroth as the two drow stood and watched himThey knew they must use him to show the world that da…

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Darkened Hall

He paced the hall again, his steps silent. Any who knew him would have considered something amiss.. something off that he found the need to be so constantly in motion.. His usual stillness, the desire to remain silent and motionless in one place, repl…

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