As Zestra stood down in the underdark she smirked
As she walked into the city of Ril’uaven she noticed lots of drow who had turned
She smiled and said to herself I have work to do I must clear the traitors
She looks around and begins to chant words of power
She prays Lloth bring this city back to its formal glory
Allow me to bring the drow back to their home
And get rid of the traders as zestra walked in the city she came to the grave yard
Just as her Grandma had spoke of many times before Dhaune was quite the queen
My grandma she was strong I shall carry on the Sinore name
Zestra walked to the throne and stood infront of the spiders lurking the castle
The spiders blocked her path she looked at them and with the snap of her whip
She said move I shall be the new queen of this city I shall bring it back to prospering
She stared at the thorne because she knew one day she would sit in the throne
Overlooking the city she smiles my drow come home you will be safe.