Mythndale… Rebuilding yet again.. New Ties

Merrick sits and studies his list of things to get done… and it is a long list. Merrick was away on business and came home to find his Tower and many belongings gone… and for a moment did contemplate leaving to different lands. He thought better of it and decided that he is not going to run or leave where he calls home ever again.
The list has grown a bit from last he looked at it but it is time to just get things done. He is still working on getting stone and ore for the walls to be built about Mythndale to secure its inner boarders. He has also noticed that there are new rable about his lands and tends to clean them up. In his travels he has found there are Egyptian folks who have moved into his Southeastern lands and taken over one of Mythndales Mining caves.. that will be delt with straight away. He has sent out several letters to the leader or leaders of these people and will first attempt to let them move out peacefully or make some other arrangement for working his lands. if this does not work he will take proper action. There is also a great deal of Orc activity to the southwest and that wil be delt with as well.
Merrick has also decided to see what can be done about clearing the jungle within his inner boarders to allow more room for business’s and of course townsfolks to expand and build new homes.
Merrick also met a very interesting young maiden warrior and was inpressed by her spirit and knowledge of her skills and life in general. He had the oppertunity of a private discussion with the maiden and she has agreed to join Mythndale and help rebuild the lands about. Merrick sits and smiles a bit to himself. He is very glad she has decided to assist him, for not only does she have the true spirit of a great warrior … she is quiet beautiful. He cant help but realize that he like her company for more reasons than just her knowledge and spirit. he is very proud of her for jumpimg right in and setting up a meeting with an individual that he may not have approached on his own. After meeting with this person he is very happy they were able to come to an agreement of service as well and feels he will be a great asset to mythndale and many ways even though he might be considered a very strange choice. Merrick leans back and drifts off into thought, he is extremely happy over the happenings in the last couple days. Grim has made some armor which the Mythndale Guard shall where and is getting ready to distribute it out and get the Guard up and functioning. A new "Manor" was built and even though things are still getting finalized and decorated… he feels good about all that is happening. … One thing he still cant help but notice is how his thoughts always end up back on the shieldmaiden…..

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